
Today, I would like to speak to you about the importance of humility and self-examination, as outlined in 1 Corinthians chapter 4.

In this chapter, the apostle Paul addresses the issue of pride among the Corinthian believers, who had begun to boast about their favorite preachers and claim to be followers of certain leaders. Paul rebukes this behavior, reminding the Corinthians that they are not to boast about their own importance, but rather to humble themselves and recognize that they are servants of Christ, called to follow his example of humility and selflessness.

He also warns against judging others too harshly, reminding the believers that they are not the ones to judge others, but rather to focus on their own spiritual growth and development. As Paul says in verse 3, 

"It is not for me to judge those outside. It is for you to judge those inside."

This is a reminder for all of us to humble ourselves and focus on our own spiritual journeys, rather than trying to compare ourselves to others or boast about our own accomplishments. We are all called to be servants of Christ, and our goal should be to follow his example and strive to become more like him each day.

As we continue to read through this chapter, we see Paul's emphasis on the importance of self-examination. He urges the Corinthians to carefully examine their own lives and actions, and to seek to grow and improve in their walk with Christ. He reminds them that they will one day be judged by Christ, and that they must be prepared to give an account of their lives.

This is a reminder for us as well, to regularly take stock of our own lives and actions, and to seek to grow and improve in our walk with Christ. We must be willing to confront our own shortcomings and weaknesses, and to strive to overcome them with the help of God's grace.

In conclusion, 1 Corinthians chapter 4 teaches us the importance of humility and self-examination in our lives as believers. We must humble ourselves, recognizing that we are servants of Christ, and focus on our own spiritual growth, rather than boasting about our own importance or judging others harshly. And we must regularly examine our own lives, seeking to grow and improve in our walk with Christ. May we all strive to follow these teachings and become more like Christ each day. Amen.

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