Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm

I merged Matthew, Mark and Luke in chronological order on the passage where Jesus calms the storm. It gives it more of a complete picture of emotion and the action that was going on. I hope you enjoy it!

Jesus Calms the Storm

On that day when evening came, Jesus said to his disciples,

“Let’s go across to the other side of the lake.”

As he got into the boat, his disciples followed him after leaving the crowd. The men took Jesus along, just as he was, in the boat, and other boats were with him. So, they set out, and as they sailed, Jesus fell asleep.

Now a violent windstorm came down on the lake and the waves were breaking into the boat. The boat started filling up with water, and they were in danger. The boat was nearly swamped, but Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. They came and woke him, saying,

“Master, Master, we are about to die!”
“Teacher, don’t you care that we are about to die?”
“Lord, save us! We are about to die!”
So, Jesus woke up and said to them,
“Why are you cowardly, you people of little faith?”
Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the raging waves,
“Be quiet! Calm down!”

Matthew, Mark and Luke all record the men in the boat saying,

“We are about to die.”
Words are powerful! The men’s hearts were overwhelmed with fear and they proclaimed,

“We are about to die”

not understanding who is in the boat with them. Earlier Jesus performed many miracles. Yet the disciples still did not understand.

It is so important, as believers, to understand who is inside of you. Jesus rebuked them because they allowed fear to take control instead of faith. Understanding is important!

Psalm 107:28-29

“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
    and he saved them from their distress.
29 He calmed the storm to a whisper
    and stilled the waves.

We all go through storms of testing or trials and tribulations and I always have to remember not to worry and speak death over my life. Call upon the name of the Lord for help. Be filled with faith that your God is for you not against you!

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