Four K. E. Y. S. Lesson 4 - Surrender

Jul 31, 2022    Peter O'Connell

The first of the KEYS has taught you the KNOWLEDGE of who you are in Christ. The second of the KEYS has taught you how to EXECUTE the truth about yourself through Christ. The third of the KEYS has taught you how to YIELD the fruit of the Spirit which confirms you are a new creation. Now the fourth of the KEYS will unlock the fullness of the Kingdom of God and that is SURRENDER.

I was taught wrong. Taught that I need to try my best to be like Christ. Often times I would cry myself to sleep because of my personal struggles. Many times I would get upset with God asking Him I want more of you in my life, but nothing was changing. Then after finally understanding the Bible, in its true context, I realized He was the one asking for more of Me...

I was so full of MYSELF and left no room for HIM. Then I learned the fourth out of the four KEYS, to Surrender. Become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. This is true worship at its core. Surrender it all and allowing Him to take over. Surrendering areas of your life daily and His glory will burn it up and He will resurrect something brand new inside of you.

Examine yourself carefully and be willing to surrender areas of You daily. Trust the process and you will be transformed by the renewal of your mind. (Romans 12:2)