Four K. E. Y. S. Lesson 1 - Knowledge

Jul 31, 2022    Peter O'Connell

The first key of the 4 K. E. Y. S. is the foundation of your faith and the key is Knowledge. You must correctly understand the knowledge of the Bible. Reading the Bible is like a map that shows you what the will of God is in your life.

"Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and Light Unto My Path" -Psalm 119:105

What is the most important information you need to know first when looking at a map? You first need to know where you are.

"Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet..." The Bible, when read correctly will allow you to understand where you are with God and as you start to walk in what the Bible is telling you God will reveal His will in your life. "...And Light Unto My Path."

Correct understanding of the KNOWLEDGE of God's Word will build correct faith for you to start taking steps to live a good, acceptable and perfect life through Christ.