Our Story

How it all started...

In October of 2020 my pastor went on vacation and asked me to teach his Connect Group.  At the end of the meeting, two ladies approached me to ask if I would consider teaching them how to understand their Bibles. I was cautiously excited to accept this challenge, and opened my home in January of 2021 for a
weekly Bible Study with two believers in attendance.

Over the next year word began to get out and other believers who wanted to learn more about the Bible also began to attend, so that by the end of 2021, we had grown to 16 regular attendees.

Expanding the vision...

In order to fulfill the mission of my original calling to help believers expand their knowledge of the Word of God, we launched our worddrop.org website and started growing rapidly after it went active on our YouTube channel. By February of 2022, we had outgrown my home and had moved to a very accommodating space in a nearby church .

Our ministry continues to exist to help “defeated” Christians know the truth of God's Word so that the truth will make them free. But we also feel called to be a beacon to those who have not been taught the necessity of true Biblical salvation in their own churches. To that end, we strive to teach nothing but the unadulterated truth of God's Holy Word.

Where we are headed...

We are a 501-c3 non-profit organization known as WORD DROP CHURCH. Our mission is not to just be another church, but rather to become an extension to existing churches as a resource tool for in-depth Bible study. We also seek to implore everyone we can reach to receive Jesus as their personal savior as well as learning how to apply the practical aspects of God's Word to their everyday

We welcome relationships with Bible believing pastors and teachers who desire to contribute their thoughts and teachings on our platform. Our current focus is our in-depth Bible study app as we expectantly look forward to what God has planned for our future. Download the app and study with us!

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Be a part of our story...

Join us every Tuesday as we gather to study together a 6:30 pm.