Meditation = Transformation Lesson 3 (VIDEO)

Oct 19, 2022    Peter O'Connell

Jesus was Priest, Prophet and King and calls us to be the same.

1. Your Priestly role:

Worship is your priestly attitude of sacrifice by allowing God to take over your life. We commend our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable onto Him. We surrender it all. Take off the old garment of sin and put on the garment of righteousness. Put on Jesus Christ. He alone makes you righteous.

2. Your Prophetic role:

Build up faith through understanding the knowledge of the Bible and continue doing what it says. God is speaking to you all the time. And you will recognize His voice when you compare it with scripture. God will speak through you with boldness! And make you look like a superhero when facing your "giants". And give you the ability to help others overcome theirs.

3. Your Kingly role:

Righteousness is your destiny and everything else you need will fall into place.